Below is an interpretation of a Poem by the great Sufi Saint Bulleh Shah. Bulleh Shah talks about the Love of God for Bulleh Shah (here in the poem, ‘Bulleh Shah’ refers to all Human Beings).
Bulleh Shah Poetry
He says that the Saviour, in all His compassion, will come to redeem the soul of Bulleh Shah, as promised by the Lord on the day of the Creation that He would come and save all and thus Bulleh Shah gives us the answer “Does God Love Me?”—

Mai Kyu Kar Jawa Ka’be nun?
Why should I go to the Ka’ba ( Ka’ba is the small shrine located near the center of the Great Mosque in Mecca and considered by Muslims everywhere to be the most sacred spot on earth)

Dil Loche Takhat Hazaare Nun… (2)
My heart pines for the throne of Hazara ( Bulleh Shah is saying here that the greatest pilgrimage for him is to see his Murshid; his Beloved).
He gives an example of Heer and Ranjha (the lovers’ story from Punjab). Using it as an analogy, Bulleh Shah is calling himself the Heer; the lover who is pining for the Love of Ranjha; His Master/ Murshid/ Guru.
(Ranjha used to live in Hazara. Hazara is a region in the northeastern part of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.))

Loki Sajda ka’be nun karde
People prostrate themselves before Ka’ba

Read the Bulleh Shah Poetry further….
Sadaa Yaar Payaare nun… (2)
I prostrate before my Beloved
Avgun Vekh Na Bhul Miya Ranjha
Please do not see my sins and leave me O’Beloved
Yaad karin Uss Kaare Nun… (2)
Remember that covenant that you made with me (on the day of creation a pact was made between the soul and God that He would himself come to redeem the Soul)
Mai Kyu Kar Jawa Ka’be nun?
Why should I go to the Ka’ba?
Dil Loche Takhat Hazaare Nun…
My heart pines for the throne of Hazara *to see a glimpse of the Beloved*
Mai Antaarun taran Na Jana
I do not know how to swim *swim across this ocean of the world*
Sharam Payi Tudh Taare Nun
You are my Savior. If I drown, it will be to your shame

Tera Saani Koi Nahi
I have not found your equal
Dhundh Rahi Jag Saare Nun
I have searched the whole world
Mai Kyu Kar Jawa Ka’be nun?
Why should I go to the Ka’ba?
Dil Loche Takhat Hazaare Nun…
My heart pines for the throne of Hazara
Haaji Lok Makke Nun Jande
Muslims go to Mecca ( Mecca, in a desert valley in western Saudi Arabia, is considered Islam’s holiest city, as it’s the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad and the faith itself)
Mai Jaana Takhat Hazaare Nun… (2)
I go to the throne of Hazara
Bullah Shah Dee Preet Anokhi
O’ Bullah, matchless is the Love given to me by the Lord
Taare So Augun Haare Nun
He redeems all sinners like me
Mai Kyu Kar Jawa Ka’be nun?
Why should I go to the Ka’ba
Dil Loche Takhat Hazaare Nun… (4)
My heart pines for the throne of Hazara.
~ The End~
I wish you all the Love and Peace, my Soul Friend!