About the Spiritual Guide: Kashish Gambhir
Kashish Gambhir is a Spiritual Consultant, Writer, and Podcast Host of two International Podcasts (in English and Hindi languages respectively).

I can still feel the power in my hands. there is a very big power that i felt. i felt it first in meditation but even now, i can still feel it. I feel very good. Thank You so much.
-Bhupesh Makhija & Meenu [ Pharmacist, New Delhi ]
Read more testimonials here
Kashish Gambhir’s Journey
Kashish was 5-years-old when she started questioning her existence in this world but never got any satisfactory answers from anybody.
On her Spiritual Journey (when she was 14 and continuing in her 20s), she remained pretty confused.
It took her many years to understand that the Spiritual Awakening Journey was not a sprint, it was a marathon.
During her teenage years, she went through much darker times in her life that changed her life completely. After her graduation, she decided to spend most of her life in Seva (voluntary service/ Nishkama Karma), Worship & Meditation. While she completed her education like any other student, her dhyaan (attention) was completely on her Spiritual Path. She wanted to reach her Spiritual goals quickly.
The journey gave her a lot of pain but the pain also enlightened her with the truth of her existence in this Universe. [ Read the article: I am so grateful ]
Later in life, when she had gained enough perspective and wisdom, she realized that she had to go through all of that pain herself before she was ever able to help anybody else on their journey.
Her life changed even drastically when she came across a profound Spiritual Teacher, who by His’ grace transferred his Divine Energy and helped her gain a quantum jump on her Spiritual Awakening journey.
Kashish says that her Spiritual Teacher taught her things (via consciousness) that no school in the world can teach its students.
Meditation was something that Kashish had started very young (when she was 3; as her mother tells). But back then she was not aware of the word ‘Meditation’, although she practiced it. She believes that the spiritual wisdom was a carry forward from her past life.
It’s been more than 30 years now that Kashish has been practicing meditation and working on expanding her consciousness.
Kashish is an intuitive and physical empath. She understands and feels the pain of animals and all living beings very deeply.
Through her blog, she aims to lead the learners in the direction that would eventually help them realize their infinite nature and help them expand their consciousness.
With her work she wants to make sure that her fellow beings don’t take as long as she took to reach a certain point in consciousness.
At present,
Kashish is giving Peace Meditation Sessions to different age groups including the Senior Citizens.
Read Testimonials here or register for the next meditation session.
She writes articles on her blog ‘kashishgambhir.com‘
and also works on her Podcasts (English) ‘K.I.S : Karma Is Supreme’ and Podcast (Hindi) ‘Karam Pradhan’.
Kashish’s Podcast ‘Karma Is Supreme’ was in ‘the top 30% most shared globally in 2022’ podcast as per Spotify.

She always says…”never be afraid of pain. Sometimes the most pain gives us the most wisdom in life. We may not be able to see it at the moment when we are hurt… but later on, we would gain a greater perspective of life.
See what excessive pain in my life has made of me. Don’t be afraid of pain. Instead start seeing this life as if you were a character in this world playing his/her role”.
Kashish is not a Guru. She says that she doesn’t want to be one.
But she can successfully lead you to finding the Perfect Spiritual Master for your Soul and help you save many years of your life while you try to find the right one.
She believes that life is short and that we should not to waste our time on irrelevant things instead spend our time on our evolution and expansion of our consciousness (chetna).