Table of Contents
1. What Is A Spiritual Awakening
To have an overview of what a ‘Spiritual Awakening’ is, we will refer to the poem on Awakening by Saint Kabir.
Saint Kabir, a 15th-century Indian mystic poet and saint, whose writings influenced Hinduism’s Bhakti movement and whose verses are found in Sikhism’s scripture Guru Granth Sahib Ji, states in his poem (now a song) on Awakening –

“sadho re, ye murdon ka gaon (3)
peer mare, paigamber mare hai…
marr gaye zinda jogi
raja mare hai…praja mae hai
marr gaye vaid or rogi
Kahe kabir suno bhaii sadho..bhatak maro na koi”
O’ wise one (sadho), this world is full of the dead (in this line ‘dead’ refers to the people who are sleeping i.e. not awakened in their consciousness)
the saint dies, the prophet dies,
and the mystics die as well
the king dies, the subjects (his’ people) die,
the doctor dies, so do the patients…
Kabir says, ‘O wise one, do not die without knowing the truth of your existence [which means; do not die without raising your consciousness to the point where the soul becomes one with the Source, lest one should get back into the cycle of birth & death again]
So we may simply express Spiritual Awakening in the following words ~
Spiritual Awakeningsimply means awakening from the deep sleep of this world.
Why is this called a deep sleep?
Because in our life on earth, we have indulged ourselves so much in eating, sleeping, drinking, and working 24X7 that we have forgotten the only purpose we came here for.
We have forgotten our true identity i.e. we are Spiritual Beings going through a Human Experience (Read the blog here)and not the other way round.
But it is only when a Human Being awakens that he/she realizes that there is more to life than just the daily chores that people involve themselves in.
Then only we humans can understand the true value of time and how it must be utilized i.e. towards gaining more experiences beyond daily life experiences & towards the realization of our true spiritual nature.
Bulleh Shah, a Punjabi philosopher, and Sufi poet from 17th-century Punjab, states the truth of our existence in the following words-

Made from the earth you shall mingle with earth!
How illusive are power and vanity!
They who have gone have gone ;
They will not come again —-
My comrades, my friends, my darlings, my chums.
Without me, they could not live for a moment,
Now, why have they forsaken me forever?
Made from the earth you shall mingle with earth !…
…O Bullah, they do not permit us to stay here;
We leave it willy-milly, weeping and crying.
His Name alone is our provision for the journey;
Not a penny of this world can we carry along.
Made from the earth you shall mingle with earth!
How illusive are power and vanity!
Ref. Faqir Mohd.,Kulliyat, p.115, poem 58
Bulleh Shah in his poem is expressing that the existence of a man ends in dust, whether by fire or by burial, still how madly man is running behind power and vanity.
While a man has no will of his own and has to leave the world without any prior notice, he keeps himself busy collecting items that will not go along with him.
He has forgotten this truth, whoever has come has to go. Then why does he not take with him the Lord’s Name and awakens himself?
How To Have A Spiritual Awakening [ 3 Ways]

The consciousness is rising across the world and more people are awakening to the truth of their existence than ever before.
People across the world belonging to different nationalities, cultures, and religious backgrounds are awakening in their own unique ways…
and each one is awakening up to a certain level and there is always more scope of expansion in each one’s consciousness than that which is realized within them.

There are three ways in which a human being can awaken ~
The first way in which a soul awakens is:
a lot of pain awakens a person. If a person has suffered much in life, then the soul of such a person has intensely called out to the Creator in its pain, ‘Why did you give me so much pain? Why?’…
and then in its desire to find the meaning of life, such a soul is graced upon by awakening and is opened to a new dimension of life.
It may get an awakening by experiences such as out-of-body experiences.
After some personal spiritual experiences, the soul then realizes that there is more to this life than just eating, drinking, sleeping & working.

Spiritual Awakening . Picture Credits : Canva
The second way in which a soul awakens is :
Since the time of its existence on earth (including the past many lives it has existed), the soul has now reached a certain level of consciousness.
Now it is time for the soul to awaken to its truth therefore such a soul awakens naturally in its journey of life.
If you notice, how so many young children today are highly conscious…
this is because these souls have already gained a certain level of consciousness and they are born with that consciousness level in their present lives.
The third way in which the soul awakens is :
A soul awakens because of its connection to the ‘Mystic of the highest order (also called a Perfect Spiritual Master)
A soul has the desire to awaken itself but has not yet got any inner spiritual experiences and knows about awakening only by way of knowledge from hearsay or books and from other people’s experiences.
Such a soul can lead itself to ‘awakening’ by coming in contact with the Mystic of the highest order.
This way is also very useful for the soul that had spiritual experiences in the past but is unable to have more spiritual experiences or feels a sort of blockage w.r.t the progress in the spiritual journey that just never goes away and therefore wants to lead itself to such spiritual experiences in the future.
Learn from my 10 years search for the Mystic. Save your time and learn “How to find the Mystic of the highest order” here.
The Mystic of the highest order is able to help the Soul from inside of it (during meditation) and ‘not just outside’ by way of words.
Such a Mystic has the power to appear in his astral form to help the Soul inside during its journey
(kindly note: we are not talking about dreams as dreams come from the storehouse of the Mind; such a Mystic has the power to appear and guide you while you are wide awake during your meditation and help you in your journey beyond the mind).
Nice Blog…Kashish Mam…
Keep publishing these wonderful blogs…
Yes’s nice