Sound of Ringing In Ears: Left Ear – Right Ear | Meaning and Reasons

Sound of Ringing In Ears: A Spiritual Awakening

Have you experienced buzzing or ringing in the ears?  Ringing in the ears, has long been viewed as a medical condition termed as Tinnitus. However, for those who are spiritually awakened, ringing in the ears is not a medical condition. 

Let’s dive into the meaning of ringing in the ears, reasons, effects, and more.

 What Do Ringing Ears Sound Like?

Have you been experiencing ringing in the ears? People experience it differently. Some experience it as a high-pitched whine, a soft hum, sound of a whistle, drums, the sound of a frog croaking, the sound of a cricket, or even a buzzing sound. (More on sounds further up in this article). Ringing ears can vary greatly in pitch and intensity. 

This sound comes from inside of you and from nowhere outside. It comes from inside of your ear.

Interestingly, doctors term it as a medical condition. 

Well, let me clarify here. This is NOT a medical condition (more about this mentioned below). These are the sounds that a soul experiences on its journey of spiritual awakening. According to the step at which the soul is at, or the level of consciousness, the varying sounds are experienced. These sounds are heard by a soul during its spiritual journey. I understand that there are genuine ear problems too, but these sounds are NOT tinnitus. When a doctor claims that this is untrue, it makes me sad because the doctor is being unscientific. He is being unscientific because he exclaims so without any experimentation.

Now just because you cannot see oxygen, doesn’t mean that oxygen doesn’t exist in the air. Similarly, just because you haven’t experienced the Inner Journey of the Soul, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist !

An important point to note here is that ALL SOULS across the world experience this ringing in the ears, while on their awakening journey. It doesn’t matter which religion, nationality, culture, color of the body you soul takes birth in.

SOULS are ALL SAME. Soul is what animates us. (A detailed video about What is a Soul (Hindi) is available here. I plan to create the video in English as well in the near future on the same you tube channel. Let’s connect on you tube). A soul can be born into any body. That body belongs to a child born into a family practicing a particular religion, and as a result, the soul (in the child’s body) begins to follow the religion of the family and the country in which it is born.

In its purest form, the soul has no religion or limitations. It is One with the Supreme Soul, or the Divine. It is we, as humans, who have divided ourselves due to our limited mindset.

Any soul, regardless of the human being, that awakens, will experience sounds in the ears at some point.

Can Ringing in Ears Cause Hearing Loss?

The short answer: No. Ringing in the ears doesn’t cause hearing loss. Instead, it’s a sign that your soul is evolving. As you progress on your spiritual journey, the sound keeps changing. It could shift from a high-pitched tone to a softer, more harmonious hum, even to the sound of a musical instrument, reflecting the growth of your inner consciousness. The ringing is not a cause for alarm but a signal that you’re stepping up in consciousness.

But this sound in the ears – this is just the starting.
I would count it at step 4 of 100 steps on the spiritual path.

Spirituality — in ancient Spiritual India, was considered ‘the highest achievements of a human being’. Indeed, it is. 

Spiritual journey is not just about yoga or pranayam or mantras, it is much much deeper than our minds can ever imagine. Spiritual journey is  beyond the programming of a human mind. It is the journey of the soul. 

While in high school and college, some of us had ‘Psychology’ as a subject, which basically deals with the mind. We never had a subject that taught us about the Soul. 

Well, I for one, had to study about the soul for 25+ years under a Perfect Spiritual teacher, and this spiritual study ran parallel to my normal school studies.

Spirituality is the study of the Soul. And it is the foundational concept of a human being’s existence. Because a human being is made of 3 things – mind, body and soul. And our education system doesn’t teach us anything about the Soul.

‘Spirituality’ can never be studied in a sprint, because it’s a marathon —To give you a perspective, I had my awakening when I was 5. Since then, it took me 30+ years to reach the highest point in my consciousness. And that also was possible only because I had the guidance of a Perfect Spiritual Master (Satguru). In India, an analogy is taught to the students on their spiritual journeys. They teach that finding a (Satguru) true Spiritual Master of the highest consciousness is akin to finding a grain of rice in a city. 

In this age of Kalyug (the fourth cycle of time), it is hardest to find a true genuine Guru. And in this era of YouTube and social media, everything is blurred. Because the fake are imitating the real, therefore it is becoming almost impossible to find the real Guru. Read: How to find a Guru. Subscribe here.

Ringing in Ears: A Sound Effect

The sound of ringing ears is unique to each individual. For some, it can sound like the distant ringing of a bell,  for others, it could be the sounds of thundering of the clouds, sounds produced by conch, mridanga, bells, tinklets, flute, Vînâ, bee. They seem like the sounds coming from inside of one’s head or the body. This is not a medical condition. This is the spiritual experience that the soul is having on its awakening journey.

Do these sounds have any meaning?

These sounds are just different sounds that are experienced on one’s inner journey of the soul. They only mean one single thing – that your soul is at a certain level of consciousness. Each level of consciousness has a different sound. They let us know that the soul is progressing on its journey of awakening. They do not mean anything else. I may write in detail about it in a separate article.

Why Do Ears Ring When It’s Silent?

Have you ever noticed that your ears ring most intensely when the world around you is completely quiet?

This happens because, in silence, you’re more connected to your soul. When external noise of this world fades away, the soul becomes prominent. It’s as if your soul is calling for your attention, guiding you toward deeper understanding and awakening.

Left Ear Ringing | Right Ear Ringing | Meaning

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There is a whole Universe inside of us. 

While a soul experiences music and light inside of it, one must NOT allow oneself to listen to the sounds coming in the left ear or the visions coming in the left side of the head.

The left side is the side of darkness. The left side may give visions of one’s favorite deities or the ones they believe in like Jesus, Maa Saraswati, Maa Laxmi, Sri Krishna , Hanuman ji , Ganesh Ji, our ancestors, spirit guides, parents, friends, beloved, anyone that we love or even one’s own Guru – to pull us toward itself. These visions on the left side are created by the mind – and they seem absolutely real – so much so that one cannot differentiate them from the real ones. The Holy scriptures clearly teach us that the mind can take any form and convince us that the vision is true.

The right side is the side of positivity – where the SOUL should travel.

The Indian Scripture HathaYoga  Pradipika, Sacred Indian text, mentions-
muktāsane sthito yoghī mudrāṃ sandhāya śāmbhavīm |
śṝṇuyāddakṣhiṇe karṇe nādamantāsthamekadhīḥ || 67 ||

Sitting with Mukta Âsana and with the Sâmbhavî Mudra, the Yogî should hear the sound inside his RIGHT ear, with a collected mind.

The left side can take the form of any entity – No human being can differentiate the fake entity from the real one. 

This is the reason why there have been such cases in the history of this world where people proclaimed that God told them to kill somebody else. You may read just one of the cases like this one : Unreasonable Revelations: God Told Me to Kill . This is just one of those I found on the internet and the examples are plenty all across the world.

While our ego may proclaim that ‘I’ will be able to differentiate between the fake and the real – well – 100% of the people who do not know the technique to differentiate God (fake) from God (real), fall into this trap.

I haven’t heard of a single case in my life where people do not get duped by the mind. They do terrible things because “their so-called or so appeared-in-the-vision” parents/ Guru/ deity / beloved/ or God told them to do so.

The Indian Sanskrit holy scriptures state that without a Satguru the sadhana is incomplete- now someone might argue that I do not have a guru, still I hear the sound.

Yes- guru is just a guide to show us the direction but as we move up in the levels of consciousness, the path becomes narrow.

Spiritual journey keeps becoming narrower as we raise ourselves up in consciousness. The path keeps becoming tougher and more and more testing. No doubt that 100% of the highly conscious Indian Saints that have appeared on Indian land, have always stressed the importance of having a True Spiritual Master (Satguru) for one’s spiritual journey.

The reason why all holy places have narrow top is the same – it is symbolic of the fact that as one moves up in levels of consciousness , the path becomes narrow.

ringing in ears reasons

Anybody can awaken or may start listening to the sound inside of themselves. But only those are able to reach the stage of highest stage of consciousness, who have successfully tread the path under the guidance of a Satguru, who provided them with guidance from within (in their Astral form).

There is an entire universe inside of you.

Make no mistake that you can travel all by yourself when in this outer world, you still make mistakes even after having google map in your hands. There is no map of the universe inside, because there can’t be!

Ringing In Ears Treatment

When I came to know that many people were  experiencing this issue, I decided to reach out to the ear doctors so they may convey the same to the patients. But after discussing the same with some doctors, one brave doctor offered an intriguing perspective to me, “If we tell our patients that ringing ears are part of an awakening process, they won’t need us anymore,” he said. Well, I am sure not all doctors would think so. Many doctors won’t even know that this is a part of spiritual awakening. Spiritual Awakening or the awakening of the soul doesn’t see our educational certifications or positions, it just happens. Hence, a doctor may or may not know about it.

Therefore, the doctor may prescribe you a medicine or a treatment that may numb the place below your ear or a treatment that may temporarily prevent the sound in your ears.

But after a while, it will come back. And the nature of the sound may also change, as discussed previously in this article.

Unless, one works on the permanent solution, this will stay for long.

The permanent treatment for ringing in the ears is simply to up level yourself on your spiritual journey and the sound will go away.

If you are listening to one sound repetitively in your ears, it means that your soul is at the same level of consciousness. If the sound inside of you, is frequently changing (as also the kinds of sounds mentioned in the beginning of this article), it means that your soul is on its journey upward.

When one hears anything from the left side, one must immediately get up from meditation, divert one’s mind to something else , play a dissimilar (to the one they were hearing) loud music but never lead oneself to listening to sounds coming from the left ear.

To upgrade your soul on your awakening journey, you must find the Perfect Spiritual Teacher for yourself – one who can teach you the technique of the inner light and the inner sound. According to my research – there are only 1-3 Perfect Spiritual Teachers (who are allowed to pass on this knowledge and who are at the highest consciousness levels and can teach this specific technique) at present in the world right now. I will write more details on the treatment in a separate article.

Isn’t It a Wonder: Ringing in Ears Dizziness

Isn’t it curious how so many people have started experiencing ringing in their ears over the past few years? This is no coincidence. The Earth is shifting, and we, too, are transforming. This ringing in the ears is a sign that we are all awakening to a new frequency of consciousness. 

It’s a subtle yet powerful indication that humanity is evolving, and the Earth is preparing for a new era of spiritual growth. 

This mysterious sound that so many of us are hearing is a reminder that the world is changing, and we are being called to evolve with it. Instead of seeing ringing in your ears as a problem, consider it a spiritual gift — a guide leading you toward higher consciousness.

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