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Astrology Predictions: Should You  Believe In Astrology or Not?  (swipe right to read in next slide)

A famous Astrologer predicted that KCR (BRS leader) will become the CM of Telangana again - BUT that did not happen! (swipe right)

A famous Astrologer predicted that KCR (BRS leader) will become the CM of Telangana again - BUT that did not happen! (swipe right)

However the predictions went all wrong. KCR failed to compete with Congress completely. But this was not the only prediction.

How much should we believe and base our life on Astrology? While Astrology is an exact science. The problem is that the knowledge that existed in ancient India,

has not been passed on in all its depth to the present times and therefore, the predictions are not accurate as only a handful of astrologers may have complete wisdom & skill in astrology.

Think  - If everything were already written, then why did Sri Krishna went to Karna 3 times to convince him to not  play for Kauravas in Mahabharata ?

Because Sri Krishna knew that NEW KARMAS/ ACTIONS change our future and a change in decision & action means change in future. CONNECT me for more spiritual wisdom CLICK AND SUBSCRIBE BELOW-